Currently Browsing: Other

Stress-free grocery shopping

There are many perks in my life that I can attribute to being an adult. I own my own house and car, I can stay up as late as I want, I can plan and take vacations, but buying groceries isn't fun for me at all. That task I view as a chore. And as with most tasks that I see as a chore I just want to be done and over with it as soon as possible. Fortunately, my husband goes grocery shopping with me because...

Spring meditation

Seven-step meditation for spring Review and plan your life for a more satisfying year Spring is a potent season to look over the past and institute changes for the future. It is a good time to set clear goals, or intentions, that reflect your desires. This spring, let your impulses follow the growth you see in nature, and see how it affects your own perceptions and desires. To get started, try this...

New Year’s Health Tips

Start the new year right! Renew your commitment to good health Now that the new year has begun, you may be making resolutions or enjoying the memories of good times at the holidays. No matter what, remember to take good care of yourself during the short days and colder weather of winter. Honor the moods of winter Starting with the bustle of the holidays, many people find it hard to stick to their wellness...

Cherish family

Tweet Life is short. I hear that a lot, but until lately it didn’t have all that much meaning to me. In the scheme of things our life spans aren’t incredibly long and can be markedly shorter due to the many diseases that exist.  Our loved ones can be taken from us sooner than we would care for. My own father found out he had lung cancer this past December. By the time the doctors had...

Stress free cleaning

White distilled vinegar is a popular household cleanser, effective for killing most mold, bacteria, and germs, due to its level of acidity. Cleaning with white distilled vinegar is a smart way to avoid using harsh chemicals. You’ll also be glad to know that it is environmentally friendly and very economical. Here are  a few uses for using vinegar for stress free cleaning at home. Deodorize the garbage...
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