Start the new year right!
Renew your commitment to good health
Now that the new year has begun, you may be making resolutions or enjoying the memories of good times at the holidays. No matter what, remember to take good care of yourself during the short days and colder weather of winter.
Honor the moods of winter
Starting with the bustle of the holidays, many people find it hard to stick to their wellness routine. First of all, consider that it makes sense that we humans slow down in the winter. So if you feel the need, honor the inner nudge to restore your resources, fight off a cold or just stay home for a weekend with a good book.
New moves for a new year
To pick up the pace again, look for a fun or new way to get your body moving. If you can’t get out to snowshoe or hike on wintry trails, check out indoor activities like climbing walls, swimming with a sauna or hot tub afterward, dance classes such as tango and country swing, or adult competitive sports like volleyball.
Deep breathing
Practicing deep breathing every day is another way to keep both mind and body healthy and relaxed. The cells of the body, from the brain to the muscle tissues, depend on oxygen to function well.
Here is a simple exercise to try. Inhale quietly through your nose to the count of four, then hold your breath for a count of seven. Purse your lips and exhale through your mouth with a whooshing noise for a count of eight. Repeat for a total of four breath cycles. If you feel light-headed, take a break and go back to breathing normally, then try again.
Remember, it doesn’t take a big commitment of time or money to take care of yourself this winter. It may help, however, to plan ahead and schedule your favorite self-care activities.
Massage & Wellness – Bradenton, Florida