Most of the drinks we all have are designed to rev-up, psych-up and pep-up. Enough caffeine already! Try something that will calm you instead. Tea can help those relax from everyday stress. There are many different teas that can help. Three common kinds are: Passionflower tea, Chamomile and Peppermint tea. Passion flower is known to …
Category Archives: Stress Relieving Tips
Exercise to beat stress
Many of us feel like we are overworked and overtired and we are over it! It seems difficult to squeeze in the time to schlep to the gym or take a walk before you start the work grind all over again, but just a few minutes every day can increase your circulation, help with pain …
Help for the insomniac
Why do we get sleepy at night time? It is because our bodies produce a sleep hormone called Melatonin. Melatonin is made naturally by your body’s pineal gland – a pea-sized gland located just above the middle of the brain. During the day the pineal is inactive. When the sun goes down and darkness occurs, …
Stress free cleaning
White distilled vinegar is a popular household cleanser, effective for killing most mold, bacteria, and germs, due to its level of acidity. Cleaning with white distilled vinegar is a smart way to avoid using harsh chemicals. You’ll also be glad to know that it is environmentally friendly and very economical. Here are a few uses …
It’s not about them, it’s about you!
It’s summer time which means it’s….wedding season! You can tell by all the T.V programming: Bridezillas, Platinum Weddings, and Bride Wars to name a few. What many of these shows have in common is drama. I suppose that is what keeps the ratings up. Despite all the yelling and tantrum throwing as seen on these …
Benefits of a vacation
Many people don’t take vacations often enough. A lot of people don’t even take annual vacations! And now with increasing frequency, when we do take vacations, we often bring work along with us, keeping ourselves essentially still in the work mindset we’re trying to escape. This isn’t a good thing at all, especially when there are …
Boost your mood with aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is the application of essential oils through baths, spa treatments, facials or massage. Essential oils are distilled from plants — such as lavender, eucalyptus and peppermint — which give the oils their fragrances and therapeutic qualities. Research on the sense of smell has shown that scent is perceived by the part of the brain …
Breaking the Stress Chain
Negative feelings are usually the result of negative thoughts. The more negative thoughts you have, the more the negative feelings follow and before you know it, your stress level begins to soar. This usually happens until something severs the chain. It could be a simple event like suddenly hearing a piece of music or stepping …
Relief for Achy Hands and Feet
Do your hands and/or feet ache after a long day? Well I can relate. Being a massage therapist my hands sometimes get a beating and then my feet sometimes ache after standing all day long. When I come home I want relief fast. This is what I do: 1. First I want to decrease the …
Increase trust and closeness
If you haven’t yet learned how to give your sweetie a therapeutic massage, February is the perfect time. Receiving massage from your partner can yield all the benefits you expect like reduced stress, decreased achiness and improved sleep. But it can also do wonders for your relationship. It’s a way to get away from interruptions, have a chance to listen …